nerve n. 1.【解剖学】神经。 2.〔诗〕筋,腱;精力,气力。 3.胆力,勇气;沉着,果断;大胆,胆量;〔口语〕厚脸,冒昧。 4.〔pl.〕神经过敏;胆怯,忧郁。 5.主要部分,核心,中枢。 6.【植物;植物学】脉,叶脉;【昆虫】翅脉。 7.回缩性,(弹性)复原性。 a war of nerves 神经战。 You have a nerve ! 〔口语〕无耻! a fit of nerves 神经过敏,神经病发作。 She is all nerves. 她太神经过敏了。 Banks are the nerves of commerce. 银行是商业的中枢。 It is trying to the nerves. 精神痛苦不堪。 He does not know what nerves are. 他不知道什么叫害怕;他从不紧张。 be all nerves 神经紧张,高度不安。 brace one's nerve for an effort 为某项努力鼓起勇气。 get [jar] on one's nerves = give one the nerves 刺激神经;使人不安[心烦];惹恼人。 have a fit of nerves 发神经病。 have iron nerves =have nerves of steel 神经坚强,有胆量。 have no nerves (好像没神经一样)泰然自若,满不在乎。 have the nerves to (do) 有…的勇气;〔口语〕好意思…,厚着脸皮…。 lose one's nerves 害怕起来;不知所措;变得慌张。 strain every nerve 尽心竭力。 vt. 鼓励,激励。 nerve oneself 鼓勇,提起精神。
fibre n. 1.纤维,纤维质;纤维制品,纤维板,硬纸板。 2.【植物;植物学】须根,木纹;〔口语〕筋。 3.性格,素质,骨气。 bast fibre 【植物;植物学】韧皮纤维。 nerve fibre 【解剖学】神经纤维。 synthetic fibre 合成纤维。 a fabric of coarse [fine] fibre 质地粗[细]的织物。 a man of real fibre 有骨气的男子。 fibre-board n. 硬纸板纤维板。 adj. -d 含纤维的,纤维质的。 adj. -less 无纤维的;无骨气的。
" for their discoveries relating to the highly differentiated functions of single nerve fibres 发现单一的神经纤维具有高度分化的功能
In many cases the nerve fibres may regrow back to a nearly normal extent and then the numbnes will be reduced 很多情况下,神经纤维能够再生并回复至近正常范围,这样的话,麻痹的感觉将会减轻。
The difference in sensation over the skin of her head , and the nose is because of the disturbance in the small nerve fibres for sensation 目前头部皮肤及鼻子感觉不同是因为感觉系统的细小神经纤维干扰所引起的,这在术后十分常见。
Neuroscientists have succeeded in repairing damage to optic nerves using a newly identified protein that encourages injured nerve fibres to regenerate 神经科学家已成功地使用新?定出能刺激视神经纤维重生的蛋白质,已修补受损的视神经。
The numbness over the surgical scar of the head is a known result for many people , because some of the very small nerve fibres under the skin could not avoided and been cut off at the surgery 很多人在头部刀疤处会有麻木的感觉,因为在手术时,皮下的一些细小神经纤维不可避开的要被切断。
Nerve fibres comprising of the 4th and 5th nerves . compression and dysfunction along these spinal levels can cause sciatica and the pain typically extends down to the back of the thigh ; down the legs to the foot 而因这部份的脊椎关节功能失调而引起神经束及血管受压的痛楚,麻痹及肌肉痿缩都称为[坐骨神经痛]
Each type of hormone secretory cells is adjusted directly by the nerve fibre in the pituitary . the nerve secretory fibre can be divided into types of a1 , a2 and b . the nerve fibre forms synaptic or indirect links with special harmone secretory cells 根据其轴突内分泌颗粒的大小和形状,鲇神经分泌纤维可区分为a _ 1 、 a _ 2 、和b三种类型,不同类型的神经分泌纤维分别与特定激素分泌细胞形成突触联系或其他间接联系形式。
a threadlike extension of a nerve cell 同义词:nerve fiber,